Contact Disability Resources
SOU Disability Resources
SOU Disability Resources
Disability Resources (DR) is open year-round and is located on the Garden Level of Central Hall (CE 034) next to parking lot 27. Here, you can find our location on SOU’s interactive map.
We provide accessibility for students, ensuring an equitable playing field for all of SOU’s programs, courses, and other learning environments.
DR also serves as a resource to faculty and staff in assuring this access for students.
How to Contact Us
Disability Resources is open 5 days a week Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm during our regular terms (Fall, Winter, and Spring). We are holding in person, virtual, or phone meetings. Our testing center is also open and exams must be pre-scheduled via AIM for students eligible for testing accommodations.
New incoming students to Disability Resources, please fill out an AIMS application and our staff will contact you to schedule an intake appointment after completion.
For returning students who are already registered with DR, please reach out to us at for scheduling.
Need to meet with us?
To schedule an appointment, please email us at and we will connect you with the most appropriate staff. We will still conduct initial intake appointments. To start your intake process please fill out an AIMS application, and our staff will reach out after completion.
Do you have access or accessibility concerns?
At Disability Resources it is a priority for us to help ensure your access to your courses and materials is equitable, and follows ADA guidelines.
If you feel that your course is inaccessible in any way, please send us an email at with the subject line “Student Accessibility Concern.” We will then open a conversation with you on the course, and what materials or aspects of the course may be inaccessible.
After this conversation we will figure out the best course of action, either through providing further online tools, or outreach with the instructor.
We are here to engage our campus in a dialogue of the importance of accessibility for inclusion and develop an approachable process for accessible design.
Director of Disability Resources & UCAM
Assistant Director of Disability Resources
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Coordinator | ASL Interpreter
Accessible Formats & Assistive Technology Coordinator
Disability Resources & UCAM Coordinator
Accommodations and Learning Specialist
Peer Engagement Coordinator
Disability Support Specialist