SOU Disability Resources
SOU Disability Resources
Students with documented disabilities that require accommodation of:
Students must request their accommodations in AIM in order for a letter of accommodation to be sent to their instructors. Instructions for faculty to enter a testing agreement are provided on the letter.
How does a student sign up for accommodated testing?
Students are responsible for:
Accommodations are made for students rescheduling a test due to disability-related absence on the day of a test.
Students must discuss this with a DR staff member as soon as possible.
Are tests given at the same time & date as the class exam?
We try to schedule exams for the same date and time as the class exam. However, we may need to schedule at an alternate time in the following circumstances:
What about pop quizzes?
When faculty members wish to use pop quizzes as an essential component of a course, they should contact Disability Resources as soon as possible after receiving a student’s letter of accommodation. Faculty should provide DR with as much information as possible about the dates of the pop quizzes. This information will not be released to the student.
On the day of a pop quiz, faculty may hand the student their quiz in a sealed envelope to bring to the Accommodated Testing Center. Students will receive their other test accommodations (extra time, adaptive technology, etc.) as usual.
Why might an exam be refused?
How long are testing records kept?
After testing is completed, the testing records are kept on file by DR according to the OUS records retention schedule and are available for review by instructors at any time.
Other Questions
Contact our Testing Coordinator, or call 541.552.6213 ext 2
ADA Regulations regarding testing